Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of David Wilson (5980) Wilson, David (271281H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name David Wilson Wilson, David David Wilson
Sex M
DOB 1957-06-21 1957-06-21 1957-06-21
Club Clevedon Clevedon Clevedon
Grading Code 271281H 271281H 271281H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Clevedon C V North Bristol C white Parker, Jacob W 139773
Clevedon C V Horfield & Redland B white Jennings, Michael L 158269
Clevedon C V South Bristol B (Smurfs) white Milborrow, Andrew L 165495
Clevedon C V Horfield & Redland D white Strickland, Graham L 208921
Clevedon C V Bristol & Clifton D white Weale, Tom L 248464
Clevedon C V Bristol & Clifton C white Bain, Oli L 317848
Clevedon 1 V Downend & Fishponds Rooks white Tang, Carolus W 341487
Horfield & Redland C V Clevedon C black White, Scott L 124723
Keynsham V Clevedon C black Hayden, Christopher L L 129221
Clevedon B V Clevedon C black Kashyap, Mavin L 153644
Downend & Fishponds E V Clevedon B black Jones, Ryan L 172634
Downend & Fishponds Rooks V Clevedon black Ash, Thomas L 201412
Hanham Folk Centre A V Clevedon B black Kirk, Richard L 209358
Bristol Grendel B V Clevedon C black German, Dan L 216152
Bristol & Clifton B V Clevedon B black Thomson, Samuel D 234339
Yate & Sodbury B V Clevedon C black Smith, William L 263832
Keynsham B V Clevedon C black Hayden, Christopher L D 266975
Downend & Fishponds V Clevedon black Heinlein, Reinhold H L 296647
Horfield & Redland 1 V Clevedon 1 black Strickland, Graham D 298219
Horfield & Redland D V Clevedon C black Balasubramaniam, Kanagasabai L 306696
Bristol & Clifton B V Clevedon A black Dunphy, Simon L 309656
Keynsham V Clevedon B black Hanson, William L 357850
Downend & Fishponds F V Clevedon C black Saunders, Per L 359892
South Bristol C V Clevedon C black Hughes, Alexandra L 369256
Bristol & Clifton H (Jnr2) V Clevedon C black Mussa, Adam L 451034