Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of John Stubbs (6006) Stubbs, John (307589J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name John Stubbs Stubbs, John John Stubbs
Sex M M M
DOB 1963-07-13 1963-07-13 1963-07-13
Club Downend & Fishponds Downend & Fishponds Downend & Fishponds
Grading Code 307589J 307589J 307589J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Downend & Fishponds F V North Bristol C white Parsons, Alan W 133814
Downend & Fishponds F V Bristol & Clifton B white Booth, Thomas W 150301
Downend & Fishponds Bishops V Keynsham white Rowlands, Jim L 177704
Downend & Fishponds E V Downend & Fishponds F white Woods, Nicholas W 196997
Downend & Fishponds E V Bristol Grendel B white Wheen, Liam L 220759
Downend & Fishponds F V Bristol & Clifton C white Booth, Thomas L 230408
Downend & Fishponds F V Yate & Sodbury B white Hawkins, Robert Jr L 236952
Downend & Fishponds F V Portishead B white Nicholas, Alistair W 377501
Bristol & Clifton F V Bath D white Whaley, Roy W 440181
Bristol & Clifton F V Horfield & Redland D white Taylor, Ashleigh W 451271
South Bristol Clangers V Downend & Fishponds Bishops black Martens, Piers L 166873
Bristol & Clifton E V Downend & Fishponds F black Sillence Davis, Michael L 245782
Horfield & Redland E V Downend & Fishponds E black Jennings, Michael D 315388
Portishead A V Downend & Fishponds F black Hollingsworth, Brad L 362186