Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of David Peters (6112) Peters, David (243976B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name David Peters Peters, David David Peters
Sex M M M
DOB 1969-07-17 1969-07-17 1969-07-17
Club Clevedon Clevedon Clevedon
Grading Code 243976B 243976B 243976B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Clevedon A V Bristol & Clifton A white Doklestic, Igor D 124298
Clevedon A V Horfield & Redland A white Nendick, Philip HC L 126790
Clevedon A V Bristol University A white Gallagher, Ian G L 132189
Clevedon A V Downend & Fishponds B white Passmore, Michael J D 151602
Clevedon A V Bath A white Osborne, Paul J W 159986
Clevedon A V Downend & Fishponds A white Heinlein, Reinhold H D 167205
Clevedon A V Downend & Fishponds B white Iwi, Graham R D 217063
Clevedon A V Bristol & Clifton A white Doklestic, Igor D 226911
Clevedon A V Horfield & Redland A white Hill, Andy L 233730
Clevedon A V Bristol Grendel A white Radford, Ben D 238763
Clevedon A V Bath A white Thornley, Oliver D 255302
Clevedon 2 V South Bristol white Edwards, Chris J D 298000
Clevedon A V Bath B white Brown, Christian K W 302746
Clevedon A V Downend & Fishponds C white Wilcox, Nigel D 329263
Clevedon B V Horfield & Redland C white Facey, James D 332065
Clevedon B V North Bristol white Millener, Richard P D 360128
Clevedon A V Bristol & Clifton B white Dunphy, Simon D 362203
Clevedon B V Hanham Folk Centre A white Lawson, Phillip W 370397
Clevedon A V Bristol Grendel A white Paton, John G W 380355
Clevedon V Bristol Grendel white Radford, Ben D 417170
Clevedon B V Bristol University B white Garcia, Ignacio D 423822
Clevedon B V Bristol Grendel A white Osborne, David C L 439522
Clevedon A V Bath A white Grimmett, Ashton W 450305
Bath A V Clevedon A black Robinson, Adam D 130915
Downend & Fishponds A V Clevedon A black Saunders, Aron L 135446
Horfield & Redland A V Clevedon A black Zielinski, Piotr D 156710
Bristol University A V Clevedon A black Shepherd, Tom D 164772
Keynsham V Clevedon black Kilmister, John W L 166875
Bristol Grendel A V Clevedon A black Radford, Robert P L 170874
Bath V Clevedon black Flores, Patrick L 175450
Horfield & Redland A V Clevedon A black Hill, Andy L 195596
North Bristol V Clevedon black Golding, Tony D 200110
Bristol Grendel A V Clevedon A black Radford, Ben D 203767
Hanham Folk Centre A V Clevedon B black Gould, Jonathon L 209354
Downend & Fishponds A V Clevedon A black Saunders, Aron L 213105
Bath A V Clevedon A black Walley, A Clive D 225890
Bristol University A V Clevedon A black Skillen, Fergus D 244553
Downend & Fishponds B V Clevedon A black Iwi, Graham R L 253821
Bristol & Clifton A V Clevedon A black Curtis, John E D 265993
Downend & Fishponds V Clevedon black Ashworth, Michael J L 296644
Bristol & Clifton B V Clevedon A black Davis, Colin J L 309653
Thornbury V Clevedon A black Nichols, James W D 323343
Bristol Grendel A V Clevedon A black Rosenberg, Tom L 333535
Downend & Fishponds Knights V Clevedon 2 black Pickup, Ian R L 343018
Bath B V Clevedon A black Raynes, Barry L 357497
Downend & Fishponds C V Clevedon A black Daly, Grant L 384095
Bristol Cabot V Clevedon black Marston, Alastair JD D 420088
Downend & Fishponds A V Clevedon A black Heinlein, Reinhold H D 424852
Yate & Sodbury A V Clevedon B black Udaya Shanker, Rajani Prasath L 443930
Bristol University A V Clevedon A black Nozimov, Ulugbek L 449010
Bath B V Clevedon B black Hearne, Rob D 459890
Bristol & Clifton A V Clevedon A black Collier, David O D 462319
South Bristol A V Clevedon B black Pick, Freddie D 466391