Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Carl Bicknell (6144) Bicknell, Carl (153727B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Carl Bicknell Bicknell, Carl Carl Bicknell
Sex M M M
DOB 1976-07-23 1976-07-23 1976-07-23
Club Clevedon Horfield & Redland Clevedon
Grading Code 153727B 153727B 153727B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Clevedon A V Bristol & Clifton A white Curtis, John E D 124295
Clevedon A V Horfield & Redland A white Pugh, Derek C W 126787
Clevedon A V Bristol University A white Clarke, James L 132187
Clevedon A V Bristol Grendel A white Johnson, Richard J W 137987
Clevedon A V Downend & Fishponds B white Garcia, Oscar D 151597
Clevedon A V Bath A white Flores, Patrick W 159983
Clevedon A V Downend & Fishponds A white Meek, Stephen J L 167202
Bristol Grendel A V Downend & Fishponds A white Meek, Stephen J W 208497
Horfield & Redland A V Bristol University B white Skillen, Fergus W 312713
Bristol & Clifton A V Bristol University A white Sapuarachchige, Indura D 426693
Bristol & Clifton A V Downend & Fishponds B white Garcia, Oscar D 439638
Bristol & Clifton A V Horfield & Redland A white Pugh, Derek C W 450532
Bristol & Clifton A V Clevedon A white Kulman, Oleksii D 462315
Downend & Fishponds B V Clevedon A black Stubbs, Oliver L 125691
Bristol Grendel A V Clevedon A black Humphreys, Jerry D 170871
Bristol & Clifton A V Bristol Grendel A black Beaumont, Chris R D 195607
Bath A V Bristol Grendel A black Phillips, Roy L 213223
Downend & Fishponds B V Horfield & Redland A black Walker, Max D 307058
Bristol & Clifton A V Horfield & Redland A black Beaumont, Chris R L 321994
Bristol University A V Horfield & Redland A black Shepherd, Tom D 331084
Horfield & Redland B V Horfield & Redland A black Nendick, Philip HC D 346245
Bristol University B V Horfield & Redland A black Zurba, Jonas L 366300