Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Chris P Smith (6196) Smith, Chris P (281558J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Chris P Smith Smith, Chris P Chris P Smith
Sex M M M
DOB 1980-02-28 1980-02-28 1980-02-28
Club Thornbury Bristol Thornbury Bristol Thornbury Bristol
Grading Code 281558J 281558J 281558J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Thornbury Bristol A V North Bristol B white Cooke, Doug L 125491
Thornbury Bristol A V Bristol Grendel B white Harris, Richard D 129132
Thornbury Bristol A V Keynsham white Macarthur, Duncan M L 140538
Thornbury Bristol V Yate & Sodbury white Sorflaten, Will L 201847
Thornbury V Bristol University B white Forward, Llewellyn W 226073
Thornbury V Keynsham A white Whelan, Alex L 237406
Thornbury V Horfield & Redland B white Luque, Joaquim L 246989
Thornbury V Clevedon A white Iles, Stuart P D 323344
Thornbury V Bristol Grendel A white Radford, Ben W 369588
Thornbury V Bath B white Van Steirteghem, Eliott L 384679
Thornbury V Bristol & Clifton C white Acharya, Kandara L 422377
Keynsham A V Thornbury black Wilmshurst, Lawrence L 199772
Downend & Fishponds C V Thornbury black Tipper, David I D 220690
Bristol Grendel A V Thornbury black Wheen, Liam D 319732
Bath B V Thornbury black Farina, Mauro L 343031
Clevedon A V Thornbury black Spiller, Paul D 373084
Horfield & Redland C V Thornbury black Macarthur, Duncan M L 447539