Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Oba G Kofi (6274) Kofi, Oba G (136386E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Oba G Kofi Kofi, Oba G Oba G Kofi
Sex U
DOB 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
Club Harambee Harambee Harambee
Grading Code 136386E 136386E 136386E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Harambee V North Bristol C white Coast, Patrick L 126515
Harambee V Downend & Fishponds E white Farrow, Josh W 131814
Harambee V Hanham Folk Centre white Howells, Matt L 172917
Harambee A V Clevedon C white Reeve, John W 206238
Harambee A V Yate & Sodbury B white Bartram, Julian W 231638
Harambee A V Bristol & Clifton D white Curtis, Brandon W 240283
Harambee A V Keynsham B white Macarthur, Duncan M L 251880
Harambee V South Bristol B white Taylor, Rod D 294018
Harambee V Bristol & Clifton E white Saha, Soumil L 314204
Harambee V Bristol Cabot B white Picton, James D 327399
Harambee V Portishead B white Murali, Santosh L 355416
Harambee V South Bristol D white White, Jon L 366227
Harambee V Bristol & Clifton D white Prince, Alastair L 385259
Harambee A V Bristol & Clifton G white Bain, Oli L 422487
Harambee A V North Bristol B white Goyal, Advik L 428395
North Bristol A V Harambee black Kent, Alex L 134069
Bristol & Clifton B V Harambee black Franklin, Rhys L 162666
Bristol Grendel B V Harambee A black Moore, Ken L 210765
Downend & Fishponds F V Harambee A black Krishna, Siddharth L 218051
South Bristol C V Harambee A black Churchill, Nathan L 247072
South Bristol D V Harambee black Hughes, Alexandra L 331080
Horfield & Redland D V Harambee black Jennings, Michael L 332700
Hanham Folk Centre B V Harambee black Coles, Luke L 350033
South Bristol E V Harambee black Coppola, Alessandro L 363488
Bristol & Clifton C V Harambee black Cala, Rafal L 371052
Bristol & Clifton F V Harambee black Butler, William L 386590
Bristol & Clifton H (Jnr2) V Harambee A black Misra, Anay L 433661