Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Lloyd Beckford (6277) Beckford, Lloyd (174084C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Lloyd Beckford Beckford, Lloyd Lloyd Beckford
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
Club Harambee Harambee Harambee
Grading Code 174084C 174084C 174084C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Harambee V North Bristol C white Redmill, David W 126513
Harambee V Downend & Fishponds E white Wilcox, Nigel W 131812
Harambee V Hanham Folk Centre white Gould, Jonathon W 172915
Harambee A V Clevedon C white McGurrell, Benjamin W 206236
Harambee A V Bristol & Clifton C white Korolchuk, Ted L 222766
Harambee A V Yate & Sodbury B white Blackford, Olly W 231635
Harambee A V Bristol & Clifton D white Barnes, Richard W 240281
Harambee A V Keynsham B white Kilmister, John W W 251879
Harambee A V Downend & Fishponds F white Walsh, Shaun W 265073
Harambee V South Bristol B white White, Jon L 294017
Harambee V Bristol & Clifton E white Bleeg, Elliott L 314203
Harambee V Bristol Cabot B white Thornhill, Robbie W 327398
Harambee V Portishead B white De Vocht, Frank W 355415
Harambee V South Bristol D white Cullen, Gareth L 366226
Harambee V Bristol & Clifton D white Milicevic, Milan W 385258
Harambee A V Bristol & Clifton G white Padmanaban, Gautham W 422486
Harambee A V North Bristol B white Bingham, James L 428393
Harambee A V Clevedon C white Blaxill, Jason W 442274
Harambee A V Bristol Four Knights white Austin, Will L 459860
Bristol University B V Harambee black Glenn, Samuel Albert L 129108
North Bristol A V Harambee black Espinosa, Miguel L 134068
Bristol & Clifton B V Harambee black Dunphy, Simon L 162664
Bristol Grendel B V Harambee A black Wheen, Liam L 210763
Bristol University C V Harambee A black Astier, Julien L 226698
South Bristol C V Harambee A black Hall, Simon M L 247070
Horfield & Redland D V Harambee A black Luque, Joaquim L 255551
South Bristol D V Harambee black Jeevananth, Thuvaragan D 331079
Horfield & Redland D V Harambee black White, Scott L 332699
Hanham Folk Centre B V Harambee black Catchpole, Adrian L 350032
South Bristol E V Harambee black Hewer, Brandon A L 363487
Bristol & Clifton C V Harambee black Bain, Oli L 371051
Bristol & Clifton F V Harambee black Prince, Alastair L 386589
Bristol & Clifton H (Jnr2) V Harambee A black Misra, Advay D 433660
South Bristol D V Harambee A black Taylor, Rod L 447896