Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Antony J Sage (6317) Sage, Antony J (118408J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Antony J Sage Sage, Antony J Antony J Sage
Sex M M M
DOB 1949-09-30 1949-09-30 1949-09-30
Club Bath Bath Bath
Grading Code 118408J 118408J 118408J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bath B V Hanham Folk Centre A white Davies, Barry R L 196006
Bath B V Downend & Fishponds D white Paines, John L W 205682
Bath B V Clevedon B white Dean, Michael W 208158
Bath B V Bristol & Clifton B white Korolchuk, Ted L 215650
Bath B V Yate & Sodbury A white Hawkins, Robert Jr W 223543
Bath B V South Bristol B white Taylor, Rod W 237080
Bath B V Horfield & Redland C white Jennings, Michael D 242287
Bath V Downend & Fishponds Rooks white Gammon, Geoffrey D 260466
Bath V South Bristol 2 white Edwards, Chris J L 269953
Bath B V Bristol & Clifton B white Hillier, Chris D 315982
Bath B V Thornbury white Minshall, Michael W L 343032
Bath D V Bristol Cabot B white Newman, Stuart W 430768
Bath D V Portishead B white Moon, Alice L 451751
Bath D V Bristol University C white Ng, Nathan L 455745
North Bristol B V Bath B black Costello, Mike L 213636
Downend & Fishponds A V Bath A black Chaplin, Peter E L 218143
South Bristol A V Bath B black Neagle, David C L 311463
Downend & Fishponds C V Bath B black Thomas, James L 339133
Bristol Grendel A V Bath B black Wheen, Liam L 347480
Downend & Fishponds F V Bath D black Chennai Rajendran, Praveen Raj L 422905
Bristol & Clifton F V Bath D black Giltrap, Jack L 440180