Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Gregory Sumner (63770) Sumner, Gregory (350027F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Gregory Sumner Sumner, Gregory Gregory Sumner
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1968-06-24 1970-01-01
Club Downend & Fishponds Downend & Fishponds Downend & Fishponds
Grading Code 350027F 350027F 350027F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Downend & Fishponds Bishops V North Bristol white LeRoy, Jason W 201402
Downend & Fishponds E V Keynsham B white Hayden, Christopher L L 205744
Downend & Fishponds E V Bristol & Clifton D white Barnes, Richard L 225882
Downend & Fishponds E V Bristol & Clifton D white Booth, Thomas W 294960
Downend & Fishponds F V South Bristol D white Sherley-Price, Vicky D 311433
Downend & Fishponds E V Horfield & Redland E white Fearnhead, Joseph T D 343866
Downend & Fishponds F V Clevedon C white Dring, Geoffrey D W 359890
Downend & Fishponds E V Bristol Grendel B white Radford, Ben L 430877
Downend & Fishponds E V Hanham Folk Centre A white Loog, Tiiu L 444225
Downend & Fishponds D V Bath C white Raynes, Joe L 448055
Downend & Fishponds E V Bristol & Clifton D white Cala, Rafal W 466325
Downend & Fishponds E V Downend & Fishponds F black Saunders, Per L 196998
Bristol & Clifton C V Downend & Fishponds E black Booth, Thomas L 212724
Yate & Sodbury B V Downend & Fishponds E black Smith, William L 214912
Bath V Downend & Fishponds Bishops black Farina, Mauro L 232490
Clevedon C V Downend & Fishponds E black Dean, Michael D 235930
Downend & Fishponds F V Downend & Fishponds E black Wing, Joseph L 251507
Hanham Folk Centre B V Downend & Fishponds E black Davies, Barry R D 317209
Horfield & Redland 2 V Downend & Fishponds Bishops black Clarke, Alan L 419777
Bristol & Clifton C V Downend & Fishponds D black Freud, Kipp L 424361
Bristol & Clifton E (Jnr1) V Downend & Fishponds E black Bleeg, Elliott L 436912
South Bristol B V Downend & Fishponds D black White, Jon L 440875
Yate & Sodbury B V Downend & Fishponds F black Connell, Chris D 451214
South Bristol C V Downend & Fishponds E black Swann, Ed L 459755