Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Ted Korolchuk (64262) Korolchuk, Ted (350388E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Ted Korolchuk Korolchuk, Ted Ted Korolchuk
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1981-07-04 1970-01-01
Club Bristol & Clifton Bristol & Clifton Bristol & Clifton
Grading Code 350388E 350388E 350388E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bristol & Clifton C V Horfield & Redland D white Dunn, Alex W 215095
Bristol & Clifton B V Hanham Folk Centre A white Lawson, Phillip W 219843
Bristol & Clifton C V Clevedon C white Lintern, Jack D 225773
Bristol & Clifton B V Clevedon B white McGurrell, Benjamin L 234337
Bristol & Clifton C V Bristol University C white Zurba, Jonas L 236325
Bristol & Clifton C V Yate & Sodbury B white Bartram, Jason W 246116
Bristol & Clifton B V Bath B white Mohammed Sharifdeen, Mohamed Nasrudeen Meeran L 253311
Bristol & Clifton B V Yate & Sodbury A white Penn, Andrew W 257653
Bristol & Clifton B V Bristol Cabot A white Collis, Richard W 330298
Bristol & Clifton B V Thornbury white Hewer, Doug D 389139
Keynsham B V Bristol & Clifton C black Gill, Tony L 196322
Downend & Fishponds F V Bristol & Clifton D black Jones, Ryan L 210466
Bath B V Bristol & Clifton B black Sage, Antony J L 215650
Keynsham B V Bristol & Clifton D black Hayden, Christopher L L 219000
Harambee A V Bristol & Clifton C black Beckford, Lloyd L 222766
Yate & Sodbury A V Bristol & Clifton B black Gardner, Jeremy D 227253
Horfield & Redland C V Bristol & Clifton B black White, Scott L 250836
Bath C V Bristol & Clifton D black Whaley, Roy L 264730
Hanham Folk Centre A V Bristol & Clifton B black Gould, Jonathon L 265474
Bristol Grendel A V Bristol & Clifton B black Hardy, Roger D 304457
South Bristol A V Bristol & Clifton B black Edwards, Chris J L 323242
Horfield & Redland 2 V Bristol & Clifton black Duckworth, Harry D 342029
Clevedon A V Bristol & Clifton B black Wilson, Matthew DJ L 362202
Bristol & Clifton D V Bristol & Clifton K black Walne, Mathew L 443859