Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of John D Robinson (69893) Robinson, John D (351787B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name John D Robinson Robinson, John D John D Robinson
Sex U M U
DOB 1970-01-01 1979-09-25 1970-01-01
Club South Bristol South Bristol South Bristol
Grading Code 351787B 351787B 351787B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
South Bristol 2 V Horfield & Redland 1 white Jennings, Michael L 233152
South Bristol C V Hanham Folk Centre B white Lawson, Phillip L 295239
South Bristol C V Horfield & Redland E white Jennings, Michael W 304392
South Bristol C V Bristol Grendel B white Rosenberg, Tom L 316852
South Bristol C V Bristol & Clifton C white Bain, Oli L 357866
South Bristol C V Portishead B white Crowe, Lana D 381545
South Bristol C V South Bristol D white Cooper, Charliey W 387280
South Bristol C V Bristol & Clifton D white Bain, Oli W 430730
South Bristol C V Downend & Fishponds E white Thwaites, Mark W 459754
Horfield & Redland C V South Bristol B black Jennings, Michael L 217442
Bristol & Clifton E V South Bristol C black Bleeg, Elliott L 239308
Yate & Sodbury B V South Bristol C black Smith, William L 250861
Bristol Grendel B V South Bristol C black Adorisio, Joe L 256172
Bristol & Clifton D V South Bristol C black Weale, Tom L 262623
Downend & Fishponds F V South Bristol D black Estevez, Miguel L 311431
Horfield & Redland D V South Bristol B black Balasubramaniam, Kanagasabai L 318293
Yate & Sodbury B V South Bristol C black Langmaid, Kevin D L 335317
South Bristol E V South Bristol C black Hewer, Brandon A L 354639
Bristol Grendel B V South Bristol B black Peffers, Hamish L 371709
Portishead A V South Bristol C black Withers, Tim L 373177
Portishead C V South Bristol D black Allerton, Tobias L 426611
North Bristol A V South Bristol B black Stinchcombe, Michael L 447720
Bristol Cabot A V South Bristol B black Picton, James L 463828
Portishead A V South Bristol C black Crowe, Lana L 465370