Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Alexandra Hughes (73655) Hughes, Angus (363808L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Alexandra Hughes Hughes, Angus Angus Hughes
Sex F U U
DOB 2011-01-22 1970-01-01
Club South Bristol South Bristol South Bristol
Grading Code 326721A 363808L 363808L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 2 white Thomas, James L 252448
Round 4 white Malibiran, Alexis Kristoff L 252484
Round 7 white Cooper, Charliey L 252531
South Bristol D V Clevedon C white Crewe, Brian L 293807
South Bristol D V South Bristol B white Britton, Jack W 304697
South Bristol D V Harambee white Kofi, Oba G L 331080
South Bristol D V Portishead white Damghani, Ibrahim W 333690
South Bristol E V South Bristol C white Churchill, Nathan W 354641
South Bristol C V Clevedon C white Wilson, David W 369256
South Bristol E V Bristol & Clifton C white Walne, Mathew W 374653
South Bristol C V Portishead B white Hollingsworth, Brad L 381544
South Bristol C V South Bristol D white Roughan, Seb L 387278
South Bristol 1 V Hanham Folk Centre white Coles, Luke W 420119
South Bristol C V Hanham Folk Centre A white Lawson, Phillip L 425077
South Bristol C V Bristol & Clifton D white Prince, Alastair L 430731
South Bristol C V Bristol Grendel B white Buckley, Jack L 444383
South Bristol C V Downend & Fishponds E white Wilkins, Danny L 459759
Round 1 black Branch, Oliver L 242685
Round 3 black Bavister, Bruce L 252470
Round 5 black Wherrett, Sophia L 252504
Round 6 black Booker, Akira L 252517
Downend & Fishponds F V South Bristol D black Woods, Nicholas L 311435
Bristol & Clifton E (Jnr1) V South Bristol C black Soleimani, Avina L 454996