Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Brandon A Hewer (74517) Hewer, Brandon A (355366J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Brandon A Hewer Hewer, Brandon A Brandon A Hewer
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1996-10-12 1970-01-01
Club South Bristol South Bristol South Bristol
Grading Code 355366J 355366J 355366J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
South Bristol V Hanham Folk Centre white Davies, Barry R W 297096
South Bristol E V South Bristol C white Robinson, John D L 354639
South Bristol E V Harambee white Beckford, Lloyd L 363487
South Bristol B V Horfield & Redland D white Taylor, Ashleigh W 374620
South Bristol C V Portishead B white Murali, Santosh W 381543
South Bristol A V Bristol Grendel A white Thom, Cash L 384540
South Bristol C V South Bristol D white Edwards, Chris J W 387279
Yate & Sodbury B V South Bristol C black Langmaid, Kevin D D 250859
Bristol Grendel B V South Bristol C black Wheen, Liam L 256170
Clevedon A V South Bristol A black Doxey, Steve L 294650
Clevedon 2 V South Bristol black Lintern, Jack L 298002
South Bristol D V South Bristol B black Jeevananth, Thuvaragan L 304693
Yate & Sodbury B V South Bristol C black Bartram, James L 335316
Hanham Folk Centre B V South Bristol E black Coles, Roger L 356864
Bristol & Clifton F V South Bristol C black Burdge, Declan L 359164
Portishead A V South Bristol C black Borkowski, J Andrew D 373175
Bath V South Bristol black Sweetland, Greig A L 379122