Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Kandara Acharya (8501) Acharya, Keyur (311544G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Kandara Acharya Acharya, Keyur Keyur Acharya
Sex F M
DOB 2007-09-05 1970-02-16 1970-01-01
Club North Bristol North Bristol North Bristol
Grading Code 302192A 311544G 311544G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
North Bristol B V Horfield & Redland C white Germane, Lionel W 195993
North Bristol B V Bristol & Clifton B white Dunphy, Simon W 208698
North Bristol B V Bath B white Walley, A Clive L 213632
North Bristol B V Downend & Fishponds D white Pickup, Ian R D 240462
Bristol & Clifton Knights V Yate & Sodbury white Penn, Andrew W 417432
Bristol & Clifton B V Downend & Fishponds A white Tipper, David I W 433417
Bristol & Clifton C V Bath C white Lawrence, Spencer D 462845
Horfield & Redland B V North Bristol B black Marks, Peter D 162479
South Bristol B V North Bristol B black Cullen, Gareth L 228676
Bristol & Clifton B V North Bristol B black Davis, Colin J L 243781
Horfield & Redland A V Downend & Fishponds B black Richards, John E D 359354
Thornbury V Bristol & Clifton C black Smith, Chris P L 422377
North Bristol A V Bristol & Clifton C black LeRoy, Jason L 430290
Downend & Fishponds A V Bristol & Clifton A black Tipper, David I D 455805