Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Rajani Prasath Udaya Shanker (90238) Udaya Shanker, Rajani Prasath (364661A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Rajani Prasath Udaya Shanker Udaya Shanker, Rajani Prasath Rajani Prasath Udaya Shanker
Sex U M U
DOB 1970-01-01 1988-01-26 1970-01-01
Club Yate & Sodbury Gloucestershire* Yate & Sodbury
Grading Code 364661A 364661A 364661A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Yate & Sodbury A V Horfield & Redland C white Zielinski, Piotr W 356938
Yate & Sodbury A V Downend & Fishponds D white Papier, Alan L 359307
Yate & Sodbury B V Bristol & Clifton F white Tong, Huw W 362156
Yate & Sodbury B V Portishead A white Withers, Tim W 368507
Yate & Sodbury A V North Bristol white LeRoy, Jason W 370825
Yate & Sodbury B V Downend & Fishponds F white Estevez, Miguel W 380584
Yate & Sodbury A V Hanham Folk Centre A white Howells, Matt W 386619
Yate & Sodbury V Bristol & Clifton white Bleeg, Elliott L 393184
Yate & Sodbury A V South Bristol A white Pick, Freddie D 424526
Yate & Sodbury A V Horfield & Redland B white Levene, Mike L 433587
Yate & Sodbury A V Clevedon B white Peters, David L 443930
Bristol & Clifton C V Yate & Sodbury B black Cala, Rafal L 353553
Clevedon C V Yate & Sodbury B black Dean, Michael L 364624
Keynsham V Yate & Sodbury A black Rowlands, Jim D 366287
Portishead B V Yate & Sodbury B black Crowe, Lana L 373533
Downend & Fishponds Knights V Yate & Sodbury black Tipper, David I L 376819
Bath C V Yate & Sodbury A black Szigethy, Szabolcs L 381160
Bristol & Clifton Knights V Yate & Sodbury black Bleeg, Elliott L 417433
Bath B V Yate & Sodbury A black Storey, Cameron L 437553
Bristol University B V Yate & Sodbury A black Griffiths, Hayden D 452971
Bristol Grendel A V Yate & Sodbury A black Johnson, Richard J L 465502