Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Anay Misra (99705) Misra, Anay (349010F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Anay Misra Misra, Anay Anay Misra
Sex M M M
DOB 2013-04-12 2013-04-12 2013-04-12
Club Bristol & Clifton Bristol & Clifton Bristol & Clifton
Grading Code 349010F 349010F 349010F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bristol & Clifton H (Jnr2) V Bristol Four Knights white Austin, Will L 420901
Bristol & Clifton E (Jnr1) V Hanham Folk Centre A white Catchpole, Adrian D 430235
Bristol & Clifton H (Jnr2) V Harambee A white Kofi, Oba G W 433661
Bristol & Clifton H (Jnr2) V Clevedon C white Blaxill, Jason L 451031
Bristol Grendel B V Bristol & Clifton E (Jnr1) black Buckley, Jack L 423679
Portishead A V Bristol & Clifton E (Jnr1) black Crowe, Lana D 443388
Bristol & Clifton G V Bristol & Clifton H (Jnr2) black Wotherspoon, James L 448813
South Bristol D V Bristol & Clifton H (Jnr2) black Branch, Oliver L 463771