Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Michael D Williams (7971) Williams, Michael D (306846J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Michael D Williams Williams, Michael D Michael D Williams
Sex M M M
DOB 1946-04-02 1946-04-02 1946-04-02
Club Alsager Alsager Crewe
Grading Code 306846J 306846J 306846J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Alsager 'C' V Meir 'B' white Haas, Ewan W 6741
Alsager 'C' V Cheddleton 'G' white Rose, David M L 12430
Alsager 'C' V Crewe 'F' white Gardiner, Harry W 14262
Alsager 'C' V Cheddleton 'I' white Hallen, David A L 15456
Alsager SCS V Crewe SCS 'B' white Hulme, David I L 24507
Alsager SCS V Crewe SCS 'A' white Layhe, Simon L 25285
Alsager V Cheddleton white Alcock, Joseph P W 36496
Alsager 'B' V Crewe 'D' white Gardiner, Harry L 37751
Alsager 'A' V Crewe 'C' white Price, David P L 38521
Alsager 'B' V Kidsgrove white Northage, Derek H L 38528
Newcastle V Alsager black Clapham, Paul L 8378
Cheddleton 'H' V Alsager 'C' black Jones, Jasmine H D 13939
Crewe 'E' V Alsager 'C' black Ballantyne, Steve D 16392
Crewe SCS 'A' V Alsager SCS black Layhe, Simon L 20615
Newcastle SCS V Alsager SCS black Odingo, Myron L 23075
Crewe SCS 'B' V Alsager SCS black Nienaber, Kobus D 25198