Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Joe (jnr) Cavalier (92590) Cavalier, Joe (jnr) (367216F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Joe (jnr) Cavalier Cavalier, Joe (jnr) Joe (jnr) Cavalier
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 unknown
Club Boston Spa Boston Spa Boston Spa
Grading Code 367216F 367216F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Boston Spa F V Boston Spa D white Smith, Paul W 351153
Boston Spa D V Alwoodley D white Hare, Chris W 363611
Boston Spa C V Leeds University B white Rozman, Scarlett W 369562
Boston Spa D V Harrogate B white Mackenzie, Nathaniel L 374874
Boston Spa R1 V Rose Forgrove R2 white Cullum, Dale H L 434943
Boston Spa R1 V Rose Forgrove R2 white Cullum, Dale H L 434946
Boston Spa E V Alwoodley D white Hare, Chris L 464347