Wallasey E v Liverpool 7

MCA Division 4 Thu 14th Sep 2023   Verify
BoardHomeWallasey ELiverpool 7Away
1 (B) 1472 (1536)
Ledgerton, Joe
1 - 0
Williams, James
1567 (1514)
2 (W) 1177 (1435)
Adimali, Amanda
1 - 0
Kearns, Stephen
1509 (1483)
3 (B) 0000 (1368)
Tutt, Lukas
0 - 1
Gorchev, Christian
0000 (1582)
4 (W) 0000 (1495)
Roberts, Owen
1 - 0
Garcia, Anthony
1407 (1360)
5 (B) 0000 (1527)
McLeod, Harry
0 - 1
Clarke, John
0000 (1541)
Total26493 - 2Total4483

Last update Russell Cowell Sun 24th Sep 2023 14:43. Reported by Russell Cowell Sun 24th Sep 2023 14:43. Verified By Russell Cowell Fri 24th May 2024 14:56


Board 1joe ledgerton 2Amanda adimole 3 likes Tutt 4 Owen Roberts 5 Harry mc clod for Wallasey for Liverpool board 3 Christian gorchev
4 Anthony garlic 5 John clarke

Joe Ledgerton & Amanda Adimali now added to Wallasey club list as both have ECF presence. Lukas Tutt, Owen Roberts & Harry McLeod are new juniors with no ECF presence yet.

New players have been added to both the Liverpool and Wallasey teams. When you have new players, first check whether they have an ECF membership. If they do then 'Add Existing Player'. If they don't then 'Add New Player', type in their details and allocate them to the club and submit. An ECF membership will be created.
I have updated these names and verified the result.

I saw this feature in the official instructions & you've mentioned it here too, but I can't find it, which is why I could only add Joe & Amanda, because they already "existed". I suspect the "Add New Player" function is not available to us at our permission/access level, which is why you see a lot of captains putting the names of new players into comments below matches.