Bug Reports

There is a list of LMS bug reports and feature requests here

If you notice a problem with the LMS please look at this list to check that the problem has not been reported already. If you wish to report a new problem request a new feature please use the main Ask for help link.


Organiser Reports

Late Matches

This report lists any matches where there is no score entered and it is passed the date of the match.


Lists matches that have no date specified or are postponed, or only the week of the match is known.


Matches that have been flagged for some reason - at the moment this can be those with comments so that the league organiser can react to them and then mark them as seen.


A violation is an issue with a reported match. The Violations tab lists these issues or problems which could be one of the following:

  • Adjudication
  • Adjournment
  • Grading Limit Exceeded - Home Team
  • Grading Limit Exceeded - Away Team
  • Unnamed Player above named
  • Unnamed Win by default

These are listed on a report on the home page. The organisation owner can tick a box to suppress them from this report when they have been dealt with.


This report lists players who have played games in active seasons and have no current national grade or it can't find them in the grading list based on the grading code of the player.

New Player Matches

If a match report is entered where the player did not appear in the drop down list, then New Player can be selected. This report lists all matches where this has happened. 

Press Report

The idea of this report is that someone doing a report for a local paper or a news letter could report on everything that happened within a selected time period. It lists the match scores and any match comments that were input.

Local Graded

Lists players who have local grades.

No Grade

Lists players who have no published grade or a CAT F grade.


The idea of this is to show players added as new who might be already in the national rating list.


The idea of this is to show players already in the national rating list, but whose details are different.


This report lists any matches that have some problem that the organisation owner should be aware of. Possible problems are:

  • Adjudication
  • Adjournment
  • Grading Limit Exceeded - Home Team
  • Grading Limit Exceeded - Away Team
  • Unnamed Player above named
  • Unnamed Win by default

The status column indicates if the issue has been suppressed (ie been dealt with) and will not be reported in the status box on the home page. Picking on the fixture takes you to the match card where using the violations tab the warning can be suppressed.

Most Improved

This report lists those players in player lists of the organisation whose current grades has improved most from their previous grade.

Non ECF Members

This report lists players who have played games in active seasons but could not be found in the membership list either via their ECF grading code or via their membership number.

Auto Grading

This report shows events that are going to be graded automatically from the LMS