Bug Reports

There is a list of LMS bug reports and feature requests here

If you notice a problem with the LMS please look at this list to check that the problem has not been reported already. If you wish to report a new problem request a new feature please use the main Ask for help link.


Player Stats

Is is possible to view player performance statistics by team, club, event or player. They are ordered by percentage.

Event Player Stats

Pick on an event from the fixtures list on the left hand side and then player stats

Team Player Stats

Pick on a team from a match card or league table, then player stats

Club Player Stats

Pick on a club from the home page and then player stats

Player Stats

Pick on a player from a matchcard or player list and then player stats

Rating Performance Calculation

Event player stats uses the event setting rating recorded for that player at the time the match was played. Rating performance via the 400 method (see wikipedia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system. performance = (sum(opponents ratings) + 400(wins-losses)) / games