Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Simon Errington (80348) Errington, Simon (269097E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Simon Errington Errington, Simon Simon Errington
Sex U M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1948-05-09 1948-05-09
Club Bournemouth Bournemouth Bournemouth
Grading Code 269097E 269097E 269097E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 3 white Erhardt, Peter W 292374
Round 4 white Errington, Paul T D 295024
Bournemouth D V Poole D white Panchenko, Oleksii W 306226
Bournemouth D V Wimborne D white Bowley, John R W 330272
Bournemouth D V Bournemouth E white Nickel, Sebastian W 357047
Bournemouth D V Southbourne D white Lane, Chris D D 373666
Bournemouth C V Highcliffe C white Salinger, Ron D 393101
Round 1 white Gyang, Stephen P W 433096
Round 3 white Aris, Lindsay P D 440951
Bournemouth C V Poole D white Guirdham, Damon L 443792
Round 6 white Roberts, Kieron D 452448
Bournemouth C V Wimborne C white Bowley, John R L 455263
Round 2 black Alderton, Andrew M L 291777
Round 5 black Nickel, Sebastian L 296964
Bournemouth E V Bournemouth D black Nickel, Sebastian D 301396
Southbourne D V Bournemouth D black Wang, Jason D 320002
Ringwood C V Bournemouth D black Rushworth, Tim L 345847
Poole D V Bournemouth D black Rutter, Mike D 364554
Southbourne D V Bournemouth C black Spalding, Mark W D 435586
Round 2 black Stokes-Carter, Dennis L 438144
Round 5 black Christopher, Tegan D 448273
Ringwood B V Bournemouth C black Wykes, T Alan D 465444